At Fowles, we put sustainability at the forefront and so want to help you do the same. Recycling plays a huge role in reducing waste and conserving resources and doing so at home can be such a simple yet impactful way to contribute to the planet’s health.

Our Top Ten Tips

  1. Understand your local councils recycling guidelines- although fairly similar, different councils may accept different things, want them separated separately and may not accept certain items, therefore it is important to look into and understand what your council requires so you can meet them.
  2. To make recycling a seamless part of your daily routine, designate a specific area in your home for recyclables. This can be a separate bin or container in your kitchen, cupboard, or garage. Having a designated spot will help you sort and store recyclables until it’s time to take them out.
  3. Effective recycling begins with proper sorting. Separate recyclable materials into categories such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. Remember to rinse and clean containers to prevent contamination and unpleasant odours. Sorting your recyclables ensures that they can be processed efficiently and repurposed into new products.
  4. Ensure that everyone in your household understands the importance of recycling and how to do it correctly. Teach them what can and cannot be recycled, as well as how to sort materials properly. By involving everyone in the process, recycling becomes a shared responsibility, making it more likely to become a habit.
  5. Recycling is essential, but reducing and reusing materials should be your priority with waste. Although we understand it can be difficult please try to avoid single-use plastics and disposable products whenever possible. Opt for reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and containers. By reducing your consumption of disposable items, you’ll have fewer materials to recycle in the first place.
  6. Electronic waste has become an increased concern due to the rapid pace of technology advancements and cycles. Many electronics contain hazardous materials that can harm the environment if not properly disposed of. Research local recycling programs or drop-off locations for old computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. This can ensure that electronic components are recycled properly including potentially hazardous materials to be disposed of safely.
  7. Many area or recycling facilities host recycling collection events where you can drop off items that are not accepted in your normal recycling. These events may include electronic waste, hazardous materials, old paint, or large appliances. Keep up to date about what is going on and take advantage of this to responsibly get rid of your waste.
  8. Composting is an eco-friendly way to manage food scraps and garden waste. By composting organic materials like fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and grass clippings, you reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Compost is also very nutritious for your plants and soil, creating a more sustainable cycle.
  9. Before getting rid of items, try reusing or rehoming recyclables with crafts or selling them. Old glass containers and boxes can help with organisation which help reduce waste alongside helping your organisation or give you a bit of extra money.
  10. Keeping informed about recycling, the environment and sustainability trends can often be inspiring and motivating. Learn about innovative recycling initiatives, sustainable products, and the positive impact of recycling on the environment. Stay connected with the broader sustainability community through online forums, social media, and to help educate yourself further.

Recycling at home is a simple yet powerful way to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. By following these top tips, you can make recycling a seamless part of your daily life, reduce your environmental footprint, and inspire others to join you on the path to green living. Every small effort counts, and together, we can create a more sustainable and eco-friendly world for generations to come.